Breast Cancer Education in Kenya

Breast health education is another area of Cancer Free Women Foundation. More than approximately 85% of Kenyan women have never heard of breast cancer exams, mammograms or breast self exam. Through advocacy programs, we aim at creating early awareness by targeting even those that are below high risk age.

Breast Self exams:

Breast self exam can help catch early breast nodules and lumps in majority of women if done correctly. Targeting young population in high schools, colleges and universities can have a positive impact on current and future generations. These target groups are easy to educate using formal language and in turn, can educate their mothers and relatives in their indigenous dialects.

Recognizing the early signs & Symptoms

Recognizing early signs and symptoms of breast cancer is important. We aim at making every educated woman to recognize at least 3 warning signs of breast cancer. We emphasize on reporting any suspected sign or symptom to us or health care professional with breast cancer knowledge.

Educators Training:

Using community based participatory research approach; we aim to educate key educators who can in turn educate others in their local communities. Example, institutionalized students, employees in companies and healthcare facilities can become the best educators of breast cancer.

Currently, Kenya has over 1800 church based women groups, over 200 universities and colleges, and thousands of high schools where early education is targeted.

As we tech breast health in young women, we also add cervical cancer educations, HIV/AIDS and rape education.  Evidence shows 83% of Kenyan women experience physical violence and abuse between age 3 and 16. A girl or a woman is raped every 30 seconds in Kenya according to United Nations & National Commission on Human Rights. We cannot ignore important women issues as we reach out to the communities.

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