Archives for November 2013

Screening Mammograms: How to Teach Patients & Promote Compliance

What Is Patient Teaching about Breast Cancer Screening – Mammography?

  • Patient teaching about breast cancer screening mammography (SM)  can defined in simple terms as the process of providing helpful information to patients before, during, and after mammography. This is to increase their knowledge of the procedure and enhance their ability to cope with the procedure and related results.
    • What Patients need to know about screening mammograms:

      screening mammogramPatient teaching about Screening Mammogram involve: –

      • Teaching patients about the purpose of breast cancer screening
      • The risks involved and benefits of screening mammograms
      • How to prepare for mammography
      • What to expect during the procedure
      • Strategies for coping with the screening mammogram procedure and findings.
      • Screening mammogram is the single most effective method for early breast cancer detection because it can identify breast cancer several years before physical signs and symptoms are apparent.
      • Lack of screening mammograms and infrequent  screening mammogram are widely recognized as major factors contributing to increased breast cancer mortality
    • How to teach patients about screening mammograms:

      First time experience can be uncomfortable to many women but with correct teaching, compliance can be achieved. Teaching and motivational activities like face-to-face instruction, written materials, video presentations and pre-visit tours can be utilized to teach and support patients in learning about mammography and breast cancer screening

      • Make teaching and learning an ongoing process by using combination strategies like sending a reminder letter, providing a pamphlet about screening mammograms & discussing concerns about discomfort during mammography. This has been shown to be more beneficial than face-to-face instruction only
      • Use of informed decision-making process is important when promoting health screening such as screening mammogram. In educated population, research has shown that use of leaflets with decision aids appear to increase knowledge and participation in breast screening and have a positive impact on reducing decisional conflict.
    • Where does teaching about screening mammograms occur?

      Patient teaching about breast cancer screening mammograms typically begins in primary care, but can also be introduced at any time of clinic or hospital visit. Public education has shown to yield the best results about screening mammograms.

      • Every possible effort should be made to promote seamless delivery of patient teaching throughout the course of care and after screening mammogram.
      • Conflicting information about breast cancer screening mammograms should be avoided to reduce frustration and confusion and increase
    • Who is the best to teach about breast cancer screening mammograms:

      Patient teaching about breast cancer screening mammogram can be given by healthcare professionals like physicians and nurses and should not be delegated to assistive clinical staff or none clinical staff.

      • Research has shown that the most effective educators of women undergoing mammography are those who individualize information to specifically address their learning needs – women just like them

Breast Cancer Inspiring Video

Breast Cancer Inspirational Video

Breast Cancer Mission Trips to Kenya, Africa

Medical data from reputable organizations like World Health Organization (WHO), CDC, etc has shown that the highest mortality rates related to breast cancer is in third world countries, especially Africa.

However, other faster mass killers like Malaria and HIV has received unparalleled international attention in Africa, Thanks to organizations like Gates Foundation and others.Despite the high mortality of breast cancer and cervical cancer in Africa, cancer in general has not received the attention it deserves in Africa

While the cost of diagnosing and treating breast cancer is expensive, Cancer Free Women believes the man ion the mirror can make a positive impact in the lives of high risk African women

Looking up to The Gifted and Talented: Breast Cancer Mission Trips to Kenya, Africa.

Cancer Free Women will be conducting regular breast cancer related mission trips to Africa, starting with East African region. We appeal to medical practitioners from all over the world to volunteer in this region to: –

  • Create breast cancer awareness
  • Educate women about breast cancer and life saving Breast Self Exam (BSE) techniques.
  • Diagnose breast cancer cases and educate local clinicians, doctors and nurses how to be proactive about breast cancer
  • Train local surgeons on less invasive and potentially life saving surgical techniques
  • Create a breast cancer awareness culture in youths that can be easily reached in boarding high schools and colleges
  • Reinforce positive learning and foster continuity by offering free exchange programs. Teaching hospitals and universities willing to train African medical professionals are more than welcome.
  • Identifying opportunities that can be exploited to create breast cancer awareness and promote breast health culture

Change the World for Ever!

Saving women lives, especially in Africa is guaranteed way to change and impact the world. Majority of bread winners in Africa are women. The most important society building block in Africa is a woman. Kids eat, go to school, etc mostly because of the presence of a woman. A potential breast cancer related death affecting a mother, almost always, mean end of family.

Will You Take a Mission Trip to Kenya, Africa?

You may underestimate your impact in African women lives. If your presence saved just 1 (one) woman life, think about how many generations you’ll have impacted.

““We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”
― Winston Churchill

“It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.”
― Mother Teresa

Make that change